
Steph McGovern boosts EW BrightSparks selection panel

EW BrightSparks is a programme, run in partnership with RS Components, to highlight talented young electronic engineers in the UK.

Now in its third year, we are looking for the young engineers who are already making a difference in the first years of their working life, or who are still studying but are showing the promise to become the people behind big future innovations in electronics.

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For over a decade Steph has reported on business and finance from around the world; from international summits to small business success stories. She reported extensively on the credit crunch and banking crisis and has presented on both TV and Radio.

Steph launched her own children’s TV show looking for the next generation of entrepeneurs, Pocket Money Pitch, and she is co-host of Shop Well for Less and Watchdog.

She is a mentor for young people in Teesside and runs workshops for children around the North East, as well as being active in areas around education and apprenticeships.

“As someone who spends my life visiting businesses around the country, I have seen first hand the challenges they face in finding the right people. We have a responsibility to show young people what is out there and in particular get them excited about the careers they could have in engineering, science, technology and business.

Initiatives like BrightSparks are absolutely crucial to show them how science and technology will help them to make a real difference in the world and have a load of fun too.”

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Expertise packs Selection Panel
For EW BrightSparks 2019 we have a high-profile panel full of industry expertise and knowledge.

The judges comprise (alphabetically): Clive Couldwell (group editor, Electronics Weekly), Graham Curren (CEO, Sondrel), Paul Hide (techUK’s director of market engagement and membership), David Lakin (IET’s Head of Education, 5-19), Steph McGovern (Journalist and TV Presenter), Isabella Mascarenhas (VP Grass Roots & Shining Stars, RS Components), Adam Rees-Leonard (Naval Engineering Head of Business Development, Babcock International Group), Lindsley Ruth (CEO, RS Components) and Lizzie Truett (IET’s Young Professionals Engagement Manager).

Clive Couldwell (group editor, Electronics Weekly)Graham Curren (CEO, Sondrel)Paul Hide (COO for techUK)Steph McGovern (journalist and TV presenter)Lizzie Owen, IET's Young Professionals Engagement ManagerLindsley Ruth (CEO, RS Components)
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